Halloween 2010
Halloween this year was so much fun! We did so many fun things. We were invited to several parties and trunk or treats. Trystan loved being dressed as Jesse, from Toy Story, and Seven is obsessed with Buzz Light Year. I had a hard time getting her to wear her costume. The first time I put it on her, she was so happy. SHe was running around the house yelling, "To infinity and beyond!" Getting ready for our first party of the season, she screamed, kicked, and refused to wear it! I wasn't surprised, but I was definitely disappointed. Soon after the party started, Johnny Fish showed up in his Buzz Light Year costume, and after that, it was over. She came straight up to me and said, "momma, I want Buzz Light Year." I got her dressed in it, and every party after that, she did not complain at all. She just let me put her outfit on her. Peer Pressure is going to suck when she is older!
I had to throw one in there of me and a couple of my friends. We dressed up as polygamists. And as you can see, Ken was our loyal husband. Kim Sierski and Angela Bautista